About us

We believe that everyone deserves a good night’s sleep, but for those with sleep disorders, it can be especially difficult to find a comfortable, safe, and reliable sleeping solution. That’s where Sleepy Heads Inc comes in. We are a fully qualified 501 C 3 charity organization, which means that your donations are tax-deductible and go directly to our cause.

At Sleepy Heads Inc, we understand the challenges that people with narcolepsy and other severe sleep disorders face every day. That’s why we work tirelessly to provide them with the support they need to lead happy and healthy lives. With your help, we can continue to donate beds and other sleep-related resources to those in need.

We take great pride in our work, and we are committed to making a difference in the lives of people with sleep disorders. When you donate to Sleepy Heads Inc, you can be sure that your contribution will make a real and lasting impact.

Our mission

Provide a Better Quality of Life for those that need it most.

Our vision

Improve the Quality of Life for People with Narcolepsy and Other Severe Sleep Disorders by Eliminating Anything that Prevents Restful Sleep Outside of their Disorder.


1. While a bed won’t fix Narcolepsy or other severe sleep disorders, it can certainly help to make quality of life better. Any loss of restfulness NOT due to these sleep disorders is our mission to eliminate. Patients with sleep disorders lose so much sleep due to their disorders already that comfort and quality of life shouldn’t also suffer.

2. Referrals: Sleepy Heads Inc. refers individuals to healthcare providers, support groups, or other organizations that can provide additional support and resources.

3. Advocacy: Sleepy Heads Inc advocates for the needs and rights of people with sleep disorders, working to raise awareness of these conditions and promote research and funding to support individuals with sleep disorders.

4. Community: We offer a sense of community and belonging for individuals with sleep disorders and their families, through social media groups, forums, or other online or in-person platforms.

Overall, Sleepy Heads Inc’s focus is on providing practical, tangible support to individuals with narcolepsy and other severe sleep disorders. By donating beds and other sleep-related resources, the charity aims to help individuals get the rest they need to lead happy and healthy lives.

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